Does Sumdog have admin accounts?

Sumdog does not have admin accounts. This page provides guidance on what you can do with a teacher account

On Sumdog, we don't have admin accounts

All teachers on Sumdog have the same privileges and are able to add or remove students and teachers, rearrange classes, and change student login details. 

However, if you find that you're unable to do any of the above, there are a couple possible reasons. Select the option which best applies to you in our table of contents below

I can't see all of the classes in my school

If you click on the class name on the top left of your dashboard and don't see all your classes in the drop-down menu (example pictured below), you may need to assign yourself to your additional classes.

class dropdown on teacher dashboard

There's no limit to the number of classes you can assign yourself to or the number of teachers who can be assigned to one class.

Click here for full instructions on adding yourself to classes.


I am seeing a message that my school is keeping the register up to date automatically

If you are trying to make changes to your classes but are seeing the message below, your school roster is set up to automatically update on Sumdog via Wonde (UK) or Clever (US)

Screenshot 2023-11-27 152311

To update your teachers and students, you'll need to make the changes on your school's external roster. The changes will then pull through on Sumdog in our nightly sync with Wonde/Clever. 

However, you will still be able to update student login details manually. Click here for instructions on updating student login details.