How do I add students to my school?

You can add individual students directly into your Sumdog classes, or you can upload your class roster to add multiple students at the same time.


    How to add individual students directly to a class:

    1. Go to Settings from your dashboard
    2. Click manage in the Manage Students box

      manage students box

    3. Find the class you're adding a student to, and click 'add students'

      add pupils button

    4. You can now enter the names of the students you are adding and choose their grade/year group. Please keep in mind, if you're adding a student with the same name as another, make slight alterations to differentiate between them.

      Click 'next'

      name and year level add student

    5. On this page you can choose the working level for the student or students you're adding. A student's working level will be set to their year level by default. If they're working above or below their year level, you can select a different working level from the dropdown menu.

      This will provide the student with a diagnostic appropriate to their working level.

      Click 'next'

      choose student working level


    How to add multiple students at the same time: 

    1. Go to Settings from your dashboard
    2. Click manage in the Manage Students box

      manage students box

    3. Select the 'Upload Student Details' icon in the top right-hand corner. 

      upload student details

    4. At the foot of the page select either the Import Students tab to upload a CSV file of your students, or select Paste Students to paste your data in. 

      spreadsheet options

    5. Follow the prompts onscreen to complete the upload.