Why does my class have no subscription?

If you have a subscription, you should be able to see it right when you log in. If you're seeing a message that your class is not subscribed when you believe it should be, here are some possible reasons and solutions.

Have you recently rearranged your classes?

When you're adding students or moving them between classes, there can sometimes be a lag of a few minutes before the subscription is updated. Try waiting 3-5 minutes and refreshing the page.

Does your subscription cover the year levels in that class? 

If you have a year level subscription, only students in that year level will be covered. You can see what year levels your subscription covers by going into Settings and clicking 'view' in the Subscriptions box.

  • If you need to change which year levels your subscription covers, reach out to your Account Manager or to our Support Team at support@sumdog.com.
  • If your subscription covers the correct year levels but you have students listed in the wrong year group, you can change the students' year group by following the instructions on our help page: How do I change the grade/year level for my students?

Is your subscription applied to the correct class?

If you have a class subscription, check to make sure your subscription is applied to the correct class. To see what class your subscription covers, go into Settings and click 'view' in the Subscriptions box. 

You can move a class subscription to a different class by following the instructions on our help page: How do I move a class subscription? 

Contact our Support Team

If you've checked for the scenarios listed on this page and are still unable to see your subscription, please reach out to our Support Team at support@sumdog.com.