New: White Rose Maths Curriculum Alignment (UK)

This article covers how to set questions from our new curriculum, aligned to the White Rose Maths Scheme of Learning (SoL) used in the UK

If your school uses the National Curriculum on Sumdog, you'll now see a new additional scheme of learning option within your Curriculum settings: White Rose Maths. 

If you are outside of England, and would like to add this new additional scheme of learning, click here (you may need to log in first). Then you can select "White Rose Maths" under your main curriculum/standards.

This is the BETA release of our new curriculum alignment to v3.0 of the White Rose Maths scheme of learning.  We are actively working on expanding it, so if you don't find exactly what you need, rest assured we're still adding skills. See our latest alignments here.

Setting a Challenge

  1. Set a challenge as normal by going to the 'set work' section and choosing Challenges. 
  2. When choosing the skills you want to include in your challenge, you'll now have the option to select White Rose Maths next to the 'National Curriculum' option.
  3. You can easily search for specific skills or use the filters to find what you're looking for.

If you choose multiple skills, your students will encounter questions from all of those skills while they are playing games.

For additional instructions on setting challenges, click here.

Setting an Assessment

  1. To set an assessment, navigate to the 'set work' section.
  2. You have two options: you can choose from our pre-built assessments, aligned to White Rose Maths, or you can create your own assessment by selecting specific questions.
  3. When generating your own assessment questions, select "White Rose Maths" next to where it says 'National Curriculum' at the top. Use the search box and filters to easily find the specific skills you are looking for.

At the moment, your students are able to complete small steps aligned to White Rose Maths when you create a Challenge or Assessment on Sumdog. Questions within the White Rose Maths-aligned curriculum will not be automatically assigned to students when they are playing games outside of any Challenges or Assessments you've set.

More resources

If you're looking for more ideas on how to effectively use our new additional scheme of learning, we highly recommend watching our 15-minute webinar: White Rose Maths curriculum alignment on Sumdog - Webinar.

To learn more about White Rose Maths, read our blog

If you have any feedback about this release, please email - we love to hear from you!