How can I set practice tasks on Sumdog?

Practice tasks are a fun way to have your students focus on a particular math skill. Students earn coins as a reward for participating in practice tasks.

This is a premium feature.


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How to set a practice task

  1. Go into Set Work at the top of your Teacher Dashboard
  2. Click 'set practice work' in the Math Practice box

    math practice box

  3. First you will select the students you'd like to include in your task. Click on the arrow next to a class to show all the students in that class. 

    Click on the box next to a student to select that student. Alternatively, you can click on the box next to a class to select all the students within that class.

    Once you've selected all the students you'd like to include, click 'next'

    choose students for challenge

    TIP: By default, your own classes will be displayed. To view other classes in your school, click on the 'other classes' tab.

    other classes
  4. Now you will select the skills you'd like to include in your task. First, click 'choose level' and select a grade level from the dropdown menu

    choose level

  5. Click 'choose domain' and select a topic from the dropdown menu

    choose domain

  6. You can find a skill by typing the name of the skill in the search bar or by browsing. To browse skills, click the arrow next to a domain to expand it into smaller subcategories

    domain arrows

  7. Click on the box next to a skill to select that skill. Please note, clicking a box next to a domain will select all the skills in that domain. 

    Once you've selected the skills you'd like to include in your task, click 'next'

    skills tick box (2)

  8. Create the settings for your task:
    1. Task Title – Give your task a title. Your students will see this title on their account and it will help them identify the activity in their Tasks list.

      Task title

    2. Questions – Set the number of questions you would like your students to be asked in the task

      number of challenge questions

    3. Available from...until... – This will be the period during which the task will be visible on the student's account.

      challenge available from until

  9. Click ‘create task’

    create task button

How to view and edit an existing practice task

  1. Go into Set Work at the top of your Teacher Dashboard
  2. Click 'set practice work' in the Math Practice box

    math practice box

  3. The practice task you've set will be listed under Tasks.

    NOTE: by default, only the tasks you yourself have set will be shown. You can view tasks set by other teachers by clicking 'set by me' and selecting 'set by anyone' or a different teacher from the dropdown menu

    set by anyone challenge dropdown

  4. To view the results of a practice task, click the report icon next to the task you'd like to view. You'll then be taken to the report for that task. You can find guidance for interpreting a practice task report here.

    If you'd like to instead edit a practice task, skip to step 5

    challenge report icon

  5. To edit a practice task, click on the three dots next to the task you'd like to edit.

    challenge three dots

  6. Click 'edit'.

    challenge edit button

  7. You will be taken back to the Create Your Task page, where you can change the title, the question target, the time the task will be available until, and the students included. 

    Click 'update task' to save your edits

    create your task page for challenge