How do I interpret the results of a challenge or competition?


For instructions on finding the results of a challenge/competition, click here.

How to interpret the challenge/competition report

The challenge report has 4 sections.

  1. Task completion -- This section shows the number of students who have completed, started, and not started the task. Hover over one of the bars on the graph to show the names of the students in that bar. 

    task completion

  2. Overall accuracy -- In this section, you can see a bar graph of your students' accuracy percentage in the challenge.

    The chart will only show the accuracy of students who have answered at least 5 questions in the challenge. You can click the 'Minimum 5 answers' dropdown to have the chart only show students who have answered at least 10 questions, or to have the chart only show students who have completed the challenge.

    overall accuracy
  3. Pupils in this task -- This section lists each student who has participated in the challenge alongside the total number of questions the student has answered, the number of questions they've answered correctly, and their accuracy percentage in the challenge. 

    'All skills' will be selected by default, but you can view the above metrics for a specific skill by clicking on the dropdown menu and choosing one of the listed skills.

    pupils in this task

  4. Skills in this task -- This section lists all the skills included in the challenge alongside the number of students who answered questions in that skill, the average number of questions in that skill your students received, the average number of questions in that skill your students answered correctly, and the average accuracy percentage in that skill.

    'All students' will be selected by default, but you can click the dropdown menu to view the above metrics for a specific student.

    all students dropdown