How do students take part in a contest as a student?

Find out how students take part in contests

Instructions for students taking part in a contest

When the contest starts, it will automatically appear on your student's dashboard when they log in, as shown in the image below. They will see their progress as they answer questions - when they get to 100,  250, 500 and 750 correct answers they get rewards. 

  1. Click 'start' and select a game from the games page. The questions answered in the games will count towards the contest
contest start button


Answering questions in a contest

Students can answer questions at any time during the period of the contest, including outside of schools hours. As they answer the questions they'll be able to see the number of questions they've gotten correct out of the number of questions they've answered in total.

Every child can answer up to 1000 questions. When this number is reached, their answers will stop counting towards the leaderboard but they can continue answering math questions!

contest score

Only those questions answered while a Sumdog Maths Contest is selected as the chosen activity will count towards the contest score. If a student has been answering questions that are not part of the contest, they will not be added to the contest score. It’s still a great thing to see though!

If a student doesn't see the contest when they log in

  1. If the contest does not appear automatically on the student dashboard, select the contest from the Tasks list on the left (pictured below). If the contest is not visible on the dashboard or in the Tasks list, it means they are logged onto an account which has not been entered into the contest.

    student dashboard tasks