You might have trouble accessing the Sumdog site and/or receiving emails from our Sumdog team if your network is blocking access. Whitelisting means that your server’s filters will never block access to the listed address.
This page will outline some steps you can take to whitelist Sumdog so that you do not lose access to the site or miss out on our emails.
Having trouble accessing the Sumdog website or the Sumdog app?
Some networks might have specific filters which will block access to some sites. If you are finding that you are not able to access Sumdog, it might be that there are filters blocking access.
If you are using a school network your school’s IT Administrator will need to whitelist * on your school’s network and/or any programs which might have a firewall.
Listing * as an exception on the network will whitelist all the addresses used for Sumdog.
If you are using a home network some antivirus programs may have firewalls which can block access to Sumdog. You will need to whitelist * as an exception on your antivirus program. You will need to follow the manufacture guide for your individual antivirus program on how to do this as each program will differ.
Having trouble receiving emails from Sumdog?
If you are finding that you are not receiving emails from us, it could be that your email filters are blocking the emails. If this is the case on your email server you could add these addresses to your safe sender list, this will whitelist the email address so that you don’t miss an email from us. – This is the email address used by our marketing team to send out updates on the latest releases and new features on Sumdog. – This is the email used to send system generated emails relating to your account, such as password reset request or if you are a teacher emails notifying you when a user has request to join the school. – This is the email address used by our support team to contact you relating to any support inquiries or account assistance.
The process to add an email to your safe sender list will differ depending on the email server you are using. It is best to consult your individual email server for a guide on how to best do this as it will differ for each system.
If you are using a school email your IT administrator will need to add the email address to the email server’s safe sender list. On your email inbox you can also mark an email address as not spam/junk by selecting the email and selecting the option ‘Not spam’. To do this go to your spam or junk mail folder, locate the email and click on ‘Not spam’ when asked by your email server.