Where can I find printable parent letters?

We have ready-made letters for parents you can print from your account. The letters include the child's login details and a brief explanation of Sumdog.

How to find and print parent letters

  1. Go into Settings

    teacher dashboard settings

  2. Click 'manage' in the Manage Students box

    manage students box

  3. Click 'view details' for the class you want to print parent letters for

    view details

  4. Click the link to print parent letters.

    print parent letters here
  5. On this page, you can select a general letter or a school closure letter. Both letters include the child's login details and an explanation of Sumdog, but the school closure letter is tailored to using Sumdog at home during an extended school closure.

    Click on the type of letter you'd like to print.

    parent letter drop down menu

  6. Click 'print letters'. This will generate a separate letter for each student, with the student's username and password automatically filled in.

    print letters