Warm Up

This page explains the warm-up that appears when children log into their accounts on a web browser.

The warm-up is a quick game to prepare you before going into the main Sumdog games. It acts as a loading screen while the normal games are loading in the background.

The questions asked in the warm-up will be simple quick-fire questions. You will earn coins for each question you answer correctly.

If you are using the Sumdog app you will not see the Warm Up, as the games are already installed on the Sumdog app.

Why is there a warm-up?

This was done in response to feedback from teachers regarding the long loading time for some of the games.

While you play the warm up, the normal games will continue to load in the background. This cuts down the waiting and loading when you select a subsequent game, thus reducing classroom disruption.

What questions will be asked in the Sumdog warm-up? 

Before the start of the Sumdog warm-up, you will be able to select which subject you would like to work on. If you have a subscription for all the subjects you will be able to choose between mathematics, spelling and grammar. 

warmup subjects

All of the questions in the Sumdog warm-up are designed to be quick-fire revision questions covering skills you have already completed.

Note: These questions will not count towards your diagnostic test score. They will however show in the skill report under the number of questions answered for a particular skill.

How long will the warm-up last?

The Sumdog warm-up will last for about a minute. However, it might be a bit longer depending on the loading times for the games on the device and your internet connection.

How do I win and earn coins?

During the Sumdog Warm Up you will earn coins for each correct answer, much like in our other games. The more questions you answer correctly the more coins you will earn.

You will get a chance to race Sumdog. The more questions you answer correctly the faster your car will go.


We have also added a little surprise – when you hit a mystery box, your car will change into a hybrid car!

At the end of the Sumdog Warm Up you will see how many coins you have earned.

Can I turn the warm-up off?

You cannot currently turn off the Warm Up. This is because it acts as a loading area for other games.