Sumdog Insights

Sumdog Insights is a reporting app which provides insights into how your schools are using Sumdog. This page breaks down each section and the charts you can see for your schools on Sumdog Insights


*NOTE*: Sumdog Insights is a premium feature, built exclusively for School Group leaders, to support their group subscription. If you are a leader in a group subscription and don't have access, please contact your account manager for more details.



Overview Page

The first thing you'll see is the Overview Page.

Example Overview page:Screenshot 2024-04-08 134445

The Overview page will show you at a glance the number of your subscribed schools, students and teachers. You can click on the orange button below each to jump straight to the section for Your Schools, Your Students or Your Teachers. You can also go to those sections from the menu on the left. 


Your Schools

The "Your Schools" page provides a school-level overview of how Sumdog is being used. It consists of two distinct sections: “Your schools at a glance” and “Usage report for your schools”.


Your schools at a glance

This section provides an overview of how Sumdog usage has evolved over the last 18 months. There are two charts you can view in this section: Student Usage and Teacher Usage

  • Student Usage: This chart shows learning time (the number of minutes a student has spent answering questions on Sumdog) across your schools

    Student Usage Chart:
    Screenshot 2024-04-08 141501

  • Teacher usage: This chart shows the total number of distinct pieces of work set by any teacher linked to the school. This includes all types of challenges, assessments, competitions and diagnostic tests set by a teacher.

    Teacher Usage Chart:
    Screenshot 2024-04-08 141635


Usage Report

This section shows Sumdog usage during a specific time period. At the start of this section you'll be able to specify a time frame and, if necessary, narrow down the results to only include schools you'd like to view. Please note, the filters you select in this section will be applied to the rest of the section.

The schools usage report with filters circled in red: usage report for your schools (2)

Below the filters is a box with summary metrics for your schools, including:

  • Schools on Sumdog: The number of schools you are viewing 

  • Active students: The number of student accounts that are both covered by a subscription in one of your schools and who have answered questions on Sumdog.

  • Active teachers: The number of teacher accounts that are both covered by a subscription in one of your schools and who have logged into the app at least once.

  • % active students: The percentage of total subscribed student accounts in your schools which have been active on Sumdog in the time frame selected.

  • Combined learning hours: The total number of hours that all subscribed students have spent answering questions on Sumdog.

  • Directed work set by teachers: The total number of tasks set by teachers (all challenges, assessments, competitions and diagnostic tests set by a teacher).

After the summary metrics, you will see the text "See and download school-level data." You can click on the text to access a downloadable table with school-level information on the usage in each school.

The downloadable table is circled in red in this image:
download school level data

Lastly, at the end of this section you will see three charts that rank the schools from highest to lowest Sumdog usage:

  1. Your schools according to % of active students: The first chart will rank the schools based on their percentage of subscribed student accounts which have been active on Sumdog in the chosen time frame. 
  2. Top schools according to learning time per student: The second chart shows the average number of minutes students have spent answering questions on Sumdog. It's calculated by dividing the total learning time (time spent answering questions) accrued by students in the school by the total number of subscribed student accounts in the school.
  3. Top schools according to directed work tasks set per active teacher: The third chart is calculated as the proportion between the number of tasks (challenges, assessments, and competitions) set by all subscribed teachers and the number of teachers who have logged in at least once.


Your students

This section focuses on the Sumdog usage for the students of the schools. It contains multiple sections covering different aspects of student usage.


Filters and Summary metrics

In the first section, you'll see filters which allow you to narrow down the results to show data for a custom date range and a particular subset of schools.

The student summary metrics with the filters circled in red:
your students filters

Below the filters, you'll see a box with metrics on student usage throughout the schools. The metrics included are:

  • Total subscribed students: All student accounts linked to one of your schools and which are also currently subscribed to Sumdog.

  • Active students: The number of subscribed students who have answered questions on Sumdog between the report dates.

  • Proportion of active students: The ratio between active students and total subscribed students.

  • Learning minutes per student: The total learning time (time spent answering questions) accrued by students divided by the total number of subscribed students in your schools

  • Curriculum steps mastered per student: The total number of curriculum steps that have been mastered by students in your schools, divided by the total number of subscribed students.

  • Questions answered per student: The total number of Sumdog questions answered by students in your schools divided by the total number of subscribed students.


Student level data

To ensure data privacy, you'll need to enter your password again before viewing student-level data.

Screenshot 2024-04-08 150745

Once you've entered your password, you'll see text which says "See and download student-level data:"

Screenshot 2024-04-08 150916

Click on the text to access a downloadable table with details about every subscribed student in your schools. 



Split in your students' usage

These three pie charts show how the usage for students in the schools is distributed across times, subjects and learning type.

The three pie charts on student usage:Screenshot 2024-04-08 151326

  • School vs home: This chart shows the proportion of all learning time that took place during schools hours (school) against all learning time outside of school hours (home).

  • Maths vs spelling: This chart shows the proportion of questions answered in maths versus questions answered in spelling. 

  • Adaptivity vs teacher-directed: This chart shows the proportion of questions answered by students in teacher-set tasks (Teacher-directed work) versus questions answered in Maths Training (Adaptivity)


Accuracy of students on Sumdog

This section contains two different charts.

On the left is a histogram showing the accuracy distribution for all active and subscribed students in your schools. Each student's accuracy is calculated as the ratio between correct questions and total questions answered. 

Accuracy distribution histogram:
Screenshot 2024-04-08 151601

On the right is a histogram grouping students according to how many days have passed since their last Diagnostic Test. The red dashed line sits at 120 days (4 months), as we recommend resetting the Diagnostic Test every 4 months.

Days since last diagnostic histogram:
Screenshot 2024-04-08 151714


Your Teachers

This section focuses on teacher usage of Sumdog.


Filters and summary metrics

In the first section, you'll see filters which allow you to narrow down the results to show data for a custom date range and a particular subset of schools.

The teachers summary metrics with the filters circled in red:
your teachers filters

Below the filters, you'll see a box with metrics on teacher usage throughout the schools. The metrics included are:

  • Total teachers: The total number of subscribed teachers with accounts linked to any of your schools. This metric only reflects teachers who have used Sumdog at least once.

  • Active teachers: The subset of total teachers above who have logged into Sumdog at least once between the report dates.

  • % Active teachers: The ratio between active teachers and total subscribed teachers in your schools.

  • Total tasks set: The total number of challenges, assessments, competitions and diagnostic tests that have been set by all teachers in your schools between the report dates.

  • Tasks set per teacher: The total number of tasks set divided by the number of active teachers.


Teacher-level data

To ensure data privacy, you'll need to enter your password again before viewing teacher-level data.

Screenshot 2024-04-08 154318

Once you've entered your password, you'll see text which says "See and download teacher-level data": 

Screenshot 2024-04-08 154508

Click on the text to access a downloadable table with details about every subscribed student in your schools. 


Directed tasks set by your teachers

This section provides visual information to better understand the number and type of tasks that are being used on Sumdog.

The first chart aggregates tasks set by all your schools on Sumdog, and then splits them according to the type of task (Assessments, Challenges, Competitions and Diagnostic tests) and according to the subject of the tasks (maths and spelling).

The second chart shows this information on a school-by-school basis. For each school, there is one bar indicating how many teacher-set tasks were set during the report dates. The different colours stacked on the chart represent the types of tasks being set.


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