How do I use Grammar Assessments?

Assessments can be used to test your students’ understanding of a topic or to identify any gaps in their learning.

This is a premium feature. 


How Grammar Assessments work

When a student takes an assessment, they’ll be answering outside of Sumdog’s games, much like a paper test. The results are sent to you in real time and you can share or print these if you wish.

Assessments can be repeated for a class or student to see if they have shown an improvement. You can also create an assessment for your current class and repeat it for your class next year. 

Students are able to start the assessment and then stop and come back to it (as long as it’s within the time limit you have set).

How to set a Grammar Assessment

  1. Make sure you have Grammar selected on your Teacher Dashboard and go into Set Work

    Set work for grammar

  2. Click 'create & view' in the Assessments box

    grammar assessments box

  3. Click ‘choose’ next to the Skills box to select skills

    choose skills button (grammar assessment)

  4. Click on a grade to show all the skill categories within that grade. You can continue to click on skill categories to expand into further subcategories until you find the skill(s) you need. Click the box next to the skill(s) you would like to include. Selected skills will appear on the right.

    Once you've selected the skills you want to include, click 'generate questions'

    generate questions for grammar assessment

  5. You'll then be shown the questions that will be asked in your assessment. To change a question, click on the blue refresh box on the top right. Click 'save' to close the box and return to the Set an Assessment page.

    preview grammar assessment questions

  6. Click 'choose' next to the Students box.

    choose students button for grammar assessments

  7. Click on 'my classes', 'my groups', or 'other classes' to show the classes/groups in your school. Click on a specific class/group to show all the students in that class/group. Check the box next to a class, group, or individual students to select the students you want to include in your assessment.

    Once you've selected the students you want to include, click 'done'

    student chooser arrows (2)

  8. Create the settings of your assessment:
    1. Title – Give your Assessment a title. Your students will see this title on their account and it will help them identify the activity in their Tasks list.
    2. Time allowed – This is how much time your students will have to complete the assessment once they have started it.
    3. Available from and Available until – this will be the period during which the assessment will be visible on the student’s account.

      spelling challenge settings

  9. Click ‘set assessment’

    set challenge button (spelling)

How to view and edit a Grammar Assessment

  1. Click 'reports' at the top of the Teacher Dashboard

    reports (grammar)

  2. Click 'assessments'

    assessments tab for grammar

  3. To view the results of an assessment, click ‘report’ next to the assessment you would like to view. This will show you the data for the whole class. If you'd like to instead edit an assessment, skip to Step 5

    list of grammar assessments with report button circled

  4. On the grammar results page, you'll be shown a list of students and their results for the assessment. A check mark below a question means that student answered the questions correctly, an X means they answered the question wrong, and a blank square means they didn't answer the question.

    Hover over the number of the question to show what the question was along with the correct answer.

    grammar assessment results

  5. To edit an assessment, click 'repeat' next to the assessment you'd like to edit in the assessment list

    list of grammar assessments with repeat button circled

  6. To change the skills included in the assessment, click ‘choose’ next to the Skills box and select the skills which will be included in the edited Assessment.

    To change the students included in the assessment, Select ‘choose’ next to the Students box and select the students you want to set the edited assignment for.

    To change the settings of the assessment, type in the new information in the Settings fields

  7. Click 'set assessment'

    set assessment