How do I save my child's login details on a phone or tablet?

This page explains how to save login details on a phone or tablet and how to remove saved login details.

How to save login details on a mobile device

Login details can only be saved outside of school hours (8:30 a.m. - 4.30 p.m.). This is to prevent children saving login details on shared devices at school.

When you sign in on the app with your child's login details before 8:30 or after 4:30, they will see a screen that says 'Do you want us to remember your login?'

Click 'yes please' to save the login details to the app. 

remember login

The next time you open the app, you will see a box with your child's animal rank and name. Click on the box to login as your child. 

saved login

How to remove saved login details

If you want to remove login details that have been saved to your mobile device, click 'choose who uses this app'.

choose who uses app 1

An 'x' will appear in the corner of the box with your child's name. Click on the x to remove their login details, then click 'done'.

choose who uses app

The next time your child logs in, they will need to enter their login details manually or scan their QR code.