How do I reward my class with coins?

You can reward your students with up to 200 coins per day using the Reward Your Class button

How to reward your class

  1. First make sure you have the correct class selected on your dashboard, then scroll down to the class leaderboard and click 'reward now

    reward now button

    Tip: Click the dropdowns to change the time frame or the metric displayed on the class leaderboard

    leaderboard dropdowns

  2. Select the students you'd like to reward

    choose pupils for reward

  3. Select the number of coins you want to give from the dropdown menu. You can select 50 coins, 100 coins, or 200 coins

    coin reward amount

  4. Type in a message to explain why you're rewarding your students. The students will see this when they receive the coins.

    reward message

  5. Click 'send rewards'

    send rewards button

Note: You can send one reward per student, per day.