How do I control what my students work on?

You can control the types of skills and activities students work on using the Live Controls feature.

How to use Live Controls

To access Live Controls, log into your Sumdog account you will see the Live Controls section on the bottom right.

Set work (1)

The list below describes what you can do with the settings in each box on the Live Controls section:

  • Focus Mode: Switch off focus mode as a reward to allow pupils to access their house and garden, avatar, friends and gifts. Switch it back on to get students to focus on their learning. Focus mode is only available during school hours and will reset each day.
  • Subjects: Controls which subject your pupils can select for the next hour

  • Tasks: Control which tasks your pupils can select for the next hour, including:

    • Adaptive tasks: Training, Maths Fluency Booster, and Contests
    • Teacher-set tasks: Tests, Practice Tasks, Competitions

Restrict Level: Set a minimum and maximum level that students can receive questions in. Please note this setting will remain in place until you change it. 

  1. To access restrict levels click on 'Fluency & Reports'.
    Set work (2)

  2. The you will see the 'Restrict Levels' in the Fluency and focus this week section. Set work (3)

Note: The settings in Focus Work and Select Subject will remain in place for one hour, while the settings in Restrict Level and Students' Choice will remain in place until you change them again.