How do I delete a class?

This page provides instructions for deleting old classes from your school.

A class can only be deleted when it is empty. If the class you'd like to delete still has students in it, you'll need to move them to another class or delete them before you can delete the class.

How to delete all the students in a class

  1. Go into Settings from your teacher dashboard

    teacher dashboard settings

  2. Click 'manage' in the Manage Students box

    manage students box

  3. Click on the box to the right of the class you would like to delete. This will select all students in that class

    select all pupils in class

  4. Click the delete icon

    delete button

  5. You will see the message below informing you that pupils will remain in the 'Deleted pupils' tab for 6 months before being deleted permanently. If you would like to proceed, click 'delete pupils'

    delete pupils

How to delete an empty class

  1. Click the three dots next to the class you'd like to delete

    three dots next to class

  2. Click 'Delete class'

    delete class icon

  3. You will see a message asking if you are sure you'd like to delete the class. Click 'ok' to delete the class

    Screenshot 2024-06-19 165941