How can I see the questions available on Sumdog?

You can browse through the strands, skills, and questions available on Sumdog using our Question Viewer

How the Question Viewer works

The Question Viewer allows you to browse all curriculum strands and view sample questions in mathematics, spelling, or grammar.

You can use the Question Viewer to:

  • Project sample questions to your class
  • Review questions as a class that have been set for home learning
  • Review questions that children struggled with in assessments

How to use the Question Viewer

  1. Go into Set Work from your Teacher Dashboard
  2. Click 'view questions'

    Set work (20)

  3. Click ‘All strands’ and select the strand to narrow down the questions you see. Select ‘all strands’ if you want to view all questions

    all strands

  4. Click ‘All grades’ and select the grade you want to view questions for, or select ‘all grades’ to view questions for every level.

    all grades

  5. Use the arrows next to each grade to expand to show the strands within that grade.

    grade arrows

  6. Keep clicking the arrows to narrow down the categories further

    smaller arrows

  7. Click the yellow question mark next to an individual skill to view sample questions for that skill

    yellow question buttons

  8. A window will appear showing an example of a question for that skill. To see another question for the same skill, click 'next question'

    next question